Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Simple Steps to Make Grounding Part of Your Life

I mentioned in my first post how much better I was feeling after I started grounding myself by walking outside with bare feet.  I was so impressed with the results I wanted to take things further and these are the measures I have introduced so far:

Earthing Mats

I have been having issues using my laptop for a long time.  I could only ever do short stints at the keyboard and always felt as though the laptop was drawing it's energy from me.  I would very quickly become fatigued with a foggy mind and I was having a lot of trouble constructing sentences and spelling.  I bought four grounding mats from Groundology
Grounding Mat from Groundology
(  I have my keyboard and mouse on one and have found it's made a big improvement to how I feel.  I can now work on my computer for much longer periods without feeling dreadful.

I had also noticed that I felt particularly bad at work.  Two appointments was pretty much my limit before my brain stopped working and I would struggle to find words.  I was conscious that I was not making sense and was having to make excuses to clients.  I now work barefoot standing on a grounding mat and again it has made a massive improvement.  I can do six appointments with no problems.  I also have a mat to use when I am doing food sensitivity testing.

I have another mat upstairs in my bedroom at home to use when using the hairdryer or vacuum cleaner, to stand on just before going to bed (even if I have been outside for ten minutes before retiring).  If I start to feel groggy I go for a lie down with my legs resting on the mat and ten minutes is sufficient to revive me.

Static Electricity

Cheap & Effective
One of the symptoms I was experiencing, which was deeply puzzling and worrying, was difficulty with driving.  Long journeys had  become impossible: they were physically very painful.  I had difficulty parking my car and was almost always in the space at an angle and no matter how many times I tried to correct it and park the car straight I would still be skewiff.  The most bizarre issue was that I was unable to drive above 60mph.  Almost as soon as the speedo got to sixty I would start to feel as though I was falling backwards and about to pass out.  It was most disconcerting, especially on the motorway and I was starting to lose my confidence.

I started to tell anyone who would listen about my problem in the hope that at some point someone would be able to tell me what was happening.  After a few years a friend suggested trying one of those strips that used to be a common sight dangling from the back of cars and caravans.  They were originally sold as remedies for travel sickness.  It seems however that their purpose is to discharge the static electricity that builds up when a car is in motion.  I really didn't expect it to work.  It has however fixed the problem and I am now back to being able to park straight without thinking about it and can also reverse easily into parking spots again.  I have not yet been on a long journey since fitting the strip and haven't been on the motorway. I have however put my foot down when the opportunity has arisen and all seems to be well with no sign of the falling or passing out.  Fingers crossed.

Natural Fabrics

In an attempt to reduce static electricity to a minimum I have replaced all synthetic fabrics wherever possible.  I was having a lot of trouble sleeping and rarely slept for longer than an hour at a time.  When I woke in the night my head was very hot and I was experiencing restless legs.  I had bought new pillows and gone for "down like" polyester so I got rid of those and invested in feather pillows.  I got rid of all sheets with any polyester content and bought a cotton and feather mattress topper.  My sheets are now 100% Egyptian cotton (1,000 thread count and there is no going back).  Although I still wake up in the night it is usually just once and the quality of my sleep has improved dramatically.

I have also ditched the synthetic fabric beauty uniforms I used to wear for work and now have ones made from organic cotton and bamboo.  They are just as easy to care for, more comfortable and very easy to iron.

Having a Bath

I have a cast iron bath which is of course earthed.  Bathing in a strong solution of Epsom Salts  is a great way of grounding before bed as an alternative to going outside or standing on the mats.  My next investment will be an earthing pillowcase so that I can sleep grounded all night.  I will report back on my experience.  I just have to decide which version of the pillowcases to go for or maybe make my own.

EMF (Electric Motive Force) and EMF (Electro Magnetic Force)

I bought an Electromagnetic Radiation Tester on E-bay which measures both of the above,  I wanted to be able to see where the highest levels of these types of "pollution" were in my home and at work.  The results were quite surprising.
Electromagnetic Radiation Tester

Some of the things in my home which were giving harmful readings were to be expected such as the TV, my computer and broadband router.  I was however surprised to discover that items such as a lava lamp, set the alarm on the tester off even when they were switched off!  I now unplug all appliances as soon as I have used them and switch the socket off.  In addition, if I am watching TV, for example, I don't put on a lamp and I have removed my bedside lamp.

In my car, I now rarely use the sat nav or the radio as these increased the readings on the tester. I also have some orgonite on the dashboard.  I don't know if it works but I will give anyting a try.

I really hope this information is useful to somebody.  I have started to recommend these steps to all my clients and so far many have given positive feedback.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Why Connecting With The Earth Is Good For Your health

We have only had electricity for around 150 years and even less time in our homes. For a long time electricity was pretty much confined to providing light but over time, with the advent of the consumer age, our homes have acquired increasing numbers of electrical appliances with exponential growth in the last 10 to 15 years.  We now live surrounded by electrical fields and are bombarded with energy from wireless devices, mobile phones etc.

We take electricity very much for granted and really only think about it when we get a bill. We rarely think about the impact of being immersed in electrical fields on our health.

We Are Electrical Beings

Human beings are a bundle of energy.  In the last hundred years or so we have lost something which is vital to our health and wellbeing: our connection to the Earth.  We now tend to wear rubber and plastic soled shoes  and live in highly insulating houses. We are rarely connected to the Earth. 

When we are connected to the Earth we experience a profound sense of wellbeing.  Think about how good you feel when you are on holiday for example when you probably spend lots of time barefoot and immersed in the sea.  There are physical and scientifically verifiable reasons why we feel better at such times.

Negatively Charged Free Electrons

Our planet is a huge reservoir of negatively charged free electrons.  Electrons with a negative charge sound as though they would be bad for human beings but the reverse is the case.  Damage to cells and DNA is caused by negatively charged free radicals which rampage around the body searching for a free electron.  When we are connected to the Earth through our bare feet or hands our bodies are able to discharge the postive charge which results from electron-deficient free radicals.

Electromagnetic Radiation

In addition to our disconnection from the Earth, which prevents the discharge of positive charges,  our environment is now jam packed with electromagnetic radiation from computers, mobile phones, television, radio, Wifi, Bluetooth, power lines and so on.  Electromagnetic radiation induces voltages in our bodies which disrupt the trilliions of sublte electrical communications which are vital to all our body's systems.  Grounding allows us to reduce these induced voltages.

Health Challenges in the Absence of Grounding

Without grounding many health impacts have been reported including:
  • Impaired immune function
  • Poor digestion
  • Poor sleeping patterns
  • Sluggish blood circulation
  • Slow recovery from physical activity
  • Inglammation
  • Stress, anxiety and irritability

My Experience

 I will post, in the next couple of days, the steps I have taken to reduce the impact of living an insulated life in the midst of electromagnetic radiation.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Adopt This Easy Daily Habit To Give Your Health a Boost

I have been feeling unwell for some time with some pretty strange symptoms.  Despite trying everything I can think of, having numerous tests with the doctor and consulting a host of alternative therapists, a diagnosis has so far escaped me.  Against the advice of family and friends I had started to mention it to everyone in the hope that somebody somewhere would have some useful suggestions.

I have been experiencing a wide range of symptoms including tiredness which verges on narcolepsy.  It is like hitting a wall.  I suddenly am unable to communicate clearly, my eyes feel as though they are wandering around and I have brought lots of conversations to a very sudden close before scuttling off home to go to sleep.  I would sleep for hours but wake up feeling groggy and not much better.  During the night I could not sleep at all: tossing and turning until it was time to get up feeling totally unrefreshed.  My body ached and I was regularly experincing deep bone pain and a strange throbbing sensation from my knees down as well as muscle spasms.

Working on my computer was very unpleasant.  It felt as though it was plugged into me and draining my energy.  I was having trouble driving my car.  Long journeys became impossible because the longer I was in the car the more my body hurt and I would get so tired it did not feel safe to drive.  I was also unable to drive over 60 mph.  Once the speedo hit the 60 mark I started to feel as though I was falling backwards and about to pass out.  I have also had terrible trouble parking my car, unable to get it straight and having to have several attempts which is embarrassing.  Reversing into a parking spot was totally beyond me.

 A few weeks ago a new client suggested that I needed grounding and and advised me to research grounding sheets.  I looked at a few sites and it sounded interesting.  I then had to take my PC to the repair shop and when I went to collect it I had to wait.  I had been there 10 minutes when suddenly I knew I had to leave and would have to pick up my PC later.  I rushed home heading for the sanctuary of my bed.  I felt possibly the worst ever: way too close to sleep to be driving safely, my body hurt and I had a splitting headache. When I got to my front door I suddenly thought about the information I had read about grounding.  It was raining so I kicked off my shoes, went into the garden and stood on the wet grass with bare feet.  The transformation was astonishing.  Within a minute I felt back to normal. I no longer needed to sleep.  

I recommend you try your first grounding session  when you feel exhausted so that you can really appreciate the benefits.  It works best if you walk or just stand on wet soil or grass.

Although adopting these new habits has improved the way I feel by about 50% I still find the computer draining after some time so I'll leave this here and continue tomorrow with more information on grounding, the science behind it, the steps I have taken and products I have tried etc.

Happy Grounding!

Adopt This Easy Daily Habit To Give Your Health a Boost

Adopt This Easy Daily Habit To Give Your Health a Boost

I have been feeling unwell for some time with some pretty strange symptoms.  Despite trying everything I can think of, having numerous tests with the doctor and consulting a host of alternative therapists, a diagnosis has so far escaped me.  Against the advice of family and friends I had started to mention it to everyone in the hope that somebody somewhere would have some useful suggestions.

I have been experiencing a wide range of symptoms including tiredness which verges on narcolepsy.  It is like hitting a wall.  I suddenly am unable to communicate clearly, my eyes feel as though they are wandering around and I have brought lots of conversations to a very sudden close before scuttling off home to go to sleep.  I would sleep for hours but wake up feeling groggy and not much better.  During the night I could not sleep at all: tossing and turning until it was time to get up feeling totally unrefreshed.  My body ached and I was regularly experincing deep bone pain and a strange throbbing sensation from my knees down as well as muscle spasms.

Working on my computer was very unpleasant.  It felt as though it was plugged into me and draining my energy.  I was having trouble driving my car.  Long journeys became impossible because the longer I was in the car the more my body hurt and I would get so tired it did not feel safe to drive.  I was also unable to drive over 60 mph.  Once the speedo hit the 60 mark I started to feel as though I was falling backwards and about to pass out.  I have also had terrible trouble parking my car, unable to get it straight and having to have several attempts which is embarrassing.  Reversing into a parking spot was totally beyond me.

 A few weeks ago a new client suggested that I needed grounding and and advised me to research grounding sheets.  I looked at a few sites and it sounded interesting.  I then had to take my PC to the repair shop and when I went to collect it I had to wait.  I had been there 10 minutes when suddenly I knew I had to leave and would have to pick up my PC later.  I rushed home heading for the sanctuary of my bed.  I felt possibly the worst ever: way too close to sleep to be driving safely, my body hurt and I had a splitting headache. When I got to my front door I suddenly thought about the information I had read about grounding.  It was raining so I kicked off my shoes, went into the garden and stood on the wet grass with bare feet.  The transformation was astonishing.  Within a minute I felt back to normal. I no longer needed to sleep.  

I recommend you try your first grounding session  when you feel exhausted so that you can really appreciate the benefits.  It works best if you walk or just stand on wet soil or grass.

Although adopting these new habits has improved the way I feel by about 50% I still find the computer draining after some time so I'll leave this here and continue tomorrow with more information on grounding, the science behind it, the steps I have taken and products I have tried etc.

Happy Grounding!