We all like a sweet treat. Well at least I know I do. This is a super simple recipe that you can adjust to suit your own taste buds and it only contains avocado, coconut cream, dates, a dash of coconut milk and raw cacao.
What's the difference between cacao and cocoa? Cacao is raw natural chocolate and it's packed with vitamins and minerals. Cocoa on the other hand has been stripped of all it's nutrients.
You Will Need
Raw Cacao Powder
Coconut Cream
Coconut Milk
2 Ripe Avocados
Scoop the flesh out of the avocados. Chop four dates. Put the avocados, chopped dates, 2 tablespoons of coconut cream, a splash of coconut milk and two tablespoons of the cacao powder into a blender and blitz until smooth and the dates are combined. Taste it. If it's not chocolatey enough then add another tablespoon of cacao. Too dark chocolate tasting for your tastes, add another tablespoon of coconut cream. Not sweet enough, add another date.
When you get the taste you like, put the mousse into four small serving dishes (you could use small glasses) and chill in the fridge for an hour. I put about half the mixture into my bowl and to be fair it was too much. I sprinkled bee pollen on top to add extra nutrients and a little dash of sweetness. You could sprinkle toasted hazelnuts or flaked almonds instead.
I hold my hands up! I had intended to add a little pure vanilla extract but completely forgot. You might like to try adding some but go easy and add a very small amount at a time. Make sure, when you buy vanilla extract that it states it's from vanilla pods. You don't want to be getting the stuff that's made from a secretion from beaver's butts!
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